Degree examinations for most undergraduate curricula are held biannually in December and May. In some Faculties, such as Medicine and Dentistry, examinations are held at different times in the academic year.

Students can view the examination regulations and timetables at http://www.exam.hku.hk/. A personal examination timetable is also available via the “HKU Portal”. The timetables will normally be posted on the web seven weeks before the examinations are due to be held.

Students' examination results are determined by the relevant Board of Examiners of each Faculty. Students are however entitled to make representations through the Faculty Secretary to the Faculty Review Committee on Student Performance and Discontinuation if there exists circumstances which may have affected their performance at the examinations.

A student who believes that there were procedural irregularities in the conduct of an examination may make a written complaint to the Registrar.
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The University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.
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