Housed in historic Eliot Hall, the Journalism and Media Studies Centre was founded in September 1999 to pursue excellence in journalism and foster Asian voices in the international media. Its vision is to promote civil society and an informed citizenry through a vibrant and professional news media, and to enhance professional standards and journalistic integrity.

A teaching and research unit under the University Senate, JMSC partners with other HKU departments and faculties, and with news media in Hong Kong and beyond. The Centre maintains graduate and undergraduate programmes, and conducts seminars, workshops and courses for news professionals as well as its students.

The Centre’s training programmes stress intellectual development linked to experiential learning. Students must complete professional internships and regularly do so at top media outlets in Hong Kong. Many pursue internships throughout the world, particularly East Asia. The Centre maintains a global array of academic and professional exchange programmes.

The main JMSC research interests include media studies, media law, business and financial journalism, digital media and public health communication.

The Centre’s extensive offerings of discussions, debate and real-world learning experiences are targeted to help strengthen the news progression in Hong Kong and beyond. A primary goal is to nurture and institutionalize the press freedom that has been a hallmark of Hong Kong.