Before attending the Student Health Orientation Programme, new students are expected to complete University's online Master Registration so as to enable them to use services of the University Health Service. Please also complete the online Health Questionnaire.
A Health Orientation Talk followed by tetanus toxoid and diphtheria immunizations will be provided for all new students who have not already received such vaccinations within the previous ten years. Students requiring immunizations are strongly advised to attend. The venue is in Theatre 2, G/F., Meng Wah Complex, according to the following timetable.
Date | Time (a.m.) | Faculty | Time (p.m.) | Faculty |
Aug 20 |
9:00 |
Postgraduate Students with |
-- |
-- |
Aug 22 |
10:30 |
Putonghua SessionAll late comers |
1:45 |
All late comers |
2:45 |
Aug 23 |
10:30 |
All late comers |
1:45 |
English Session |
2:45 |
All late comers |
Health Education Classes / Workshops
A Health Orientation Talk, in Cantonese unless specified, will be given before immunizations. Interested parties can also enrol in a variety of Health Education Classes / Workshops on the following topics:
1. Back & Neck Care
2. Be Your Time Manager
3. Between Love and Sex
4. First Aid
5. How to Manage Stress Effectively
6. Mind Your Posture: Laptop Users
Enrolment after August 23, 2013
Tetanus Toxoid and Diphtheria immunizations are also available to postgraduate students who enroll after August 23, 2013. You may bring the evidence of late admission to the University Health Service, 2/F, Meng Wah Complex during opening hours.
* Compulsory Screening and Vaccination Programmes for High Occupational Risk Students
The University runs a compulsory screening and vaccination programme for certain high occupational risk students in the Faculties of Dentistry, Medicine and Social Sciences, to ensure that they receive adequate protection before their practicum / clinical years.
The compulsory screening and vaccination programme applies to all new Dental, Chinese Medicine, Medical, Nursing, Clinical Pharmacy, Social Work (MSocSc & MSW), Behavioural Health, Clinical Psychology (PsyD), Counselling, Educational Psychology (PsyD), Mental Health and Psychology (PCPsych) postgraduate students.
Students in this category are required to attend a Health Orientation Talk at 9:00 am on Tuesday, August 20 in Theatre 2, G/F, Meng Wah Complex. They should bring their completed Tuberculin Skin Test & BCG Vaccination Questionnaire.
Students with a negative or unknown past history of BCG vaccination will be arranged for a tuberculin skin test. They must return for the result of this test at 9:30 am on August 23, 2013. Those with a negative response will be given a BCG vaccination.
Students who have already had a BCG vaccination and a diphtheria and tetanus booster in the past 10 years need not attend the Health Orientation Talk. They should nevertheless mail their completed Tuberculin Skin Test and BCG Vaccination Questionnaire to:
Health Education Unit
University Health Service
2/F, Meng Wah Complex
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong
Enrolment From August 20 to September 7, 2013
If you are admitted to the university FROM AUGUST 20 TO SEPTEMBER 7, 2013, and
1. NEVER have BCG done before, you MUST attend the orientation talk in t2, G/F, Meng Wah Complex, HKU on SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 at 9:00 AM. Please write a letter stating the reason for not attending on august 20, 2013. special arrangement would be made for you after the orientation talk.
2. HAVE BCG done before, you can have tetanus toxoid and diphtheria immunization after the orientation talk in t2, G/F, Meng Wah Complex, HKU on September 7, 2013 at 9:00 am. Please write a letter stating the reason for not attending on august 20, 2013 and BRING WITH YOU THE COMPLETED TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST & BCG VACCINATION QUESTIONNAIRE.
Enrolment After September 7, 2013
If you are admitted to the universityAFTER SEPTEMBER 7, 2013, andD
1. NEVER have BCG done before, please ring 2859-1176 for arrangement of vaccinations; or
2. HAVE BCG done before, you can have tetanus toxoid and diphtheria immunization in the health education unit, university health service, 2/f, Meng Wah Complex during opening hours with evidence of late admission. PLEASE BRING WITH YOU THE COMPLETED TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST & BCG VACCINATION QUESTIONNAIRE.
Health Services
All entitled students may use the University Health Service (UHS).
Students with physical disability affecting mobility, sight or hearing etc. should report to the UHS and CEDARS so that assessment could be made for the need of special assistance during their time at the University.
The following services are provided by University Health Service:
- Medical primary care at the 2/F, Meng Wah Complex with notional charges;
- Comprehensive dental service at 3/F, Meng Wah Complex at competitive charge;
- Preventive service such as Travel Health Clinic, Wellness Clinic, Well Woman Clinic, Hepatitis Clinic and immunizations at a charge;
- Physiotherapy on the referral of UHS physicians with nominal charge; and
- Health education in the form of individual advice, classes / workshops, exhibitions, web information, posters and pamphlets.
If necessary, students may be referred for specialist consultation and hospital care in the public specialist clinic and public wards of Hospital Authority hospitals.
Students please note that if they are unable to attend any scheduled appointment, they should notify the relevant receptionist as soon as possible. In the case of Dental, Physiotherapy, medical checkup, Travel Health Clinic and long consultation appointments, at least 24 hours’ notice must be given for any cancellation, or else a penalty fee would be charged.
All non-local students are advised to purchase medical insurance to cover the cost of specialist consultation and hospitalization.
Students’ family members are not entitled to any services.
Comprehensive information on the health service and health education can be found in the UHS website:
Health Questionnaire
Students are required to complete an Electronic Health Questionnaire (EHQ) before attending the Student Health Orientation Programme prior to the start of term. To access the EHQ, please login the HKU Portal -> ‘Campus Information Services’ -> ‘Service Departments’ -> ‘University Health Service’ -> ‘Electronic Health Questionnaire’. The information provided will be retained confidentially by the University Health Service as part of each student’s medical record.
The completed health questionnaires will be reviewed by University Health Service health professionals, and some students may be invited to come for medical consultations. This will not affect their admission to the University and does not necessarily mean that there is anything seriously wrong with their health. This will enable UHS to discuss health problems with students and to assist them to lead a healthy University life. Students may also make appointments at the UHS at any time to discuss their medical and health problems.