The University of Hong Kong fosters a whole-person approach to education. We believe that learning about life is as important for students as academic learning. Accordingly, the University provides a number of specialist services to support students’ physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, environmental and occupational well-being. Further information is to be found in the Directory which is distributed before admission.
Dean of Student Affairs
The Dean has overall responsibility for all aspects of student affairs and aims to provide a campus environment conducive to learning and community life. He provides a bridge between individual students and the administration of a large and complex international University.
Students wishing to raise a question with the Dean can contact him through the web page of the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) or by writing to He can also be contacted by phone on 2859 2306.
Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS)
CEDARS provides students with a full range of support to help them make the most of their educational experience at the University.
Further information can be found on the CEDARS website at Alternatively, students can contact CEDARS by telephone (2859 2305) or email ( They are also welcome to visit its office, which is located at 3/F, Meng Wah Complex.