After having accepted the University’s offer of admission and paid the required deposit on first admission to a curriculum of study, a student is required to register with the University. A student should:
use the login details emailed to you to gain access to the HKU Portal ( and complete the online registration (HKU Portal → Self Service → Master Registration) either at home or use the PCs available at Room 110, 1/F Knowles Building of the Information Technology Services;
(b) |
submit your photograph and supporting documents online for the production of your Student Registration Card after your online Master Registration (HKU Portal → SIS Menu → Self Services → Student document upload system) to process your Student Registration Card; and
(c) |
receive an acknowledgement email in August for the collection of your Student Registration Card once your Card is ready and come to collect your Student Registration Card in person according to the specific date(s), time and venue printed on the email. |
Students are strongly advised to complete the online registration procedures mentioned above as soon as possible so as to facilitate collection of the Student Registration Card and/or any application(s) for admission to residential halls or other study facilities.
The above registration procedures are set up as of May 2020. You are advised to check directly with your Faculty Office for updated information regarding to the registration procedures.