Housing |
There are currently 13 halls of residence and four Residential Colleges with a number of hall places reserved especially for non-local students. Online hall application form is accessible from the website of the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS), which co-ordinates all hall applications from newly enrolled students from outside Hong Kong. Due to keen competition and the limited number of hall places available, the University cannot guarantee hall accommodation for all students but we will do our best for you. Apart from the halls of residence, there are 3 non-hall student residences primarily for full-time newly arrived non-local students. For details on housing for non-local students, please see cedars.hku.hk/housing. CEDARS also collects and compiles data on privately-owned rooms or flats in the vicinity of the university campus that are available for rental to students. Students can obtain such information from our intranet: cedars.hku.hk/sections/Accommodation/OffCampusHousing/onlineViewing.php or CEDARS Office. We also offer assistance in matters relating to the renting of rooms and flats. Please note that private accommodation is extremely expensive. You are strongly advised to finalise arrangements before you arrive. A list of hostels managed by non-profit-making organizations is also available at the CEDARS website. You may make arrangements directly with these hostels for short-term accommodation. Please write to cedars.housing@hku.hk for further enquiry. |