Non-Residential Hall Membership


Students can choose to join a non-residential hall: Hornell Hall (for men), and Lee Chi Hung Hall (for men and women). Alternatively, you can choose to join a residential hall as non-residential members.

The application form for non-residential hall membership can be downloaded from The completed form should be returned to a) for non-residential halls: Academic Services Office at G04, Run Run Shaw Building, or b) for non-residential membership of residential halls: respective hall office, together with the ATM transaction advice OR a copy of the bank payment confirmation showing payment of the application fee of $200:

(a) on or before October 5, 2021 for membership of Hornell Hall and Lee Chi Hung Hall; and

(b) at any time for non-residential membership of residential halls.

Applications submitted after October 5, 2021 for membership of Hornell Hall and Lee Chi Hung Hall may be accepted for consideration by the respective Hall Warden.

The application fee of $200 will be used in payment of the non-residential hall fee if a student's application is accepted, or returned (by crediting the sum to the student's account with the University) if the application is unsuccessful.

Applications for transfer from one hall to another are permitted up to October 5, 2021. Transfers will not normally be allowed after this date unless both Wardens concerned agree that there are exceptional circumstances justifying a late transfer. Withdrawal of an application for membership after October 5, 2021 will entail forfeiture of the application fee.

Academic Support and Examinations Section, The Registry,
The University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.