Non-academic Induction Programme


The Non-academic Induction Programme organised by the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) consists of both online and off-the-line induction activities and resources in order to contribute to the First Year Experience Goals to:

orientate students to ways of learning and doing that are conducive to the development of the attributes of HKU graduates as set out in the six educational aims of HKU;
(ii) enable students take responsibility for their own learning, to focus on learning for understanding, and to cultivate an inquisitive mind;
(iii) engage first year students with the university community early on, to foster learning communities which facilitate befriending and intercultural understanding, and to foster a sense of identity as a member of the University;
(iv) enable students to formulate realistic academic and personal goals so that they can attain a sense of achievement at the end of the first year;
(v) enable students to handle multiple demands in the University, and to prioritize their commitments inside and outside the University to maximize the learning opportunities available; and
(vi) help students adopt a lifestyle in University that is conducive to their psychological and physical wellness.

CEDARS Non-Academic Induction Talk (online) provides new students with information about the non-academic support and resources including new student adjustment and counselling support, support to students with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN Support), financial resources, housing, co-curricular and out-of-classroom learning opportunities. For registration and details, please visit

CEDARS Peer Connect and High Table, the flagship programme for first-year undergraduate students entering HKU, puts new students from different faculties and countries of origin into small groups. It comprises of 4 non-academic induction activities, namely Goal Setting, Inspirational Activities, High Table, and IG Challenge on Adjusting to HKU Life.

Upon completion of CEDARS Peer Connect and High Table, you can redeem your own Green Gown, one of the most wanted HKU collectables that is available nowhere else! For registration and details, please visit

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